
户外经济赢得了由蒙奥图和约克发射箱主办的2023创意测试实验室, powered by Penn State

Silas Chamberlin shows off materials for Outdoor Economy, 这是一个已经成为现实的商业想法,也是一个501(c)(4)非营利组织,这在一定程度上要归功于创意测试实验室.  张伯伦在2023年的比赛中获得了最高奖项,并利用了为期五周的商业加速器提供的资源.

Credit: Barbara Dennis

YORK, Pa. — “Grow Your Economy. Improve Your Quality of Life.” This is a statement that Silas Chamberlin, winner of the 2023 Idea TestLab, has at the forefront of his startup company, Outdoor Economy. Chamberlin won $3,在由蒙托托和约克发射箱主办的虚拟IdeaTestLab期间,他获得了5000万美元的种子资金来发展他的想法, both powered by Penn State.

Idea TestLab是一个为期五周的虚拟商业加速器,在此期间,选定的初创企业将接受指导和培训,通过密集的客户发现来确定可行的商业模式. Chamberlin, 与其他参与者一起组成了一组来自宾夕法尼亚州的社区成员,他们有早期的商业想法. 来自欧博体育官网蒙阿尔托分校和欧博体育官网约克分校服务区的团队参加了2023年的比赛.

During the program, startups interviewed customers, built their early-stage business models, and crafted their elevator pitches. 该项目在一场投球比赛中达到高潮,各队争夺5美元,000美元的种子基金,以继续发展他们的商业模式.

Outdoor Economy, the Idea TestLab first-place winner, 咨询服务是否旨在帮助社区将经济战略与其环境资产(如公园)联系起来, trails and open spaces. 张伯伦会见了社区组织的成员,帮助他们看到在他们的社区拥有这些资产的经济价值. The Outdoor Economy process includes asset quantification, ecosystem mapping, consensus building and activation of a strategy.

For example, in communities where there are rail trails or parks, 张伯伦可以与社区合作,确保该地区有商业和其他便利设施,为该地区带来经济增长. 他帮助人们了解开放空间的经济价值及其对当地商业的影响.

Since winning the pitch competition earlier this spring, 张伯伦已经把他的想法变成了一个合法成立的501(c)(4)非营利组织, Outdoor Economy Inc.

“Idea TestLab迫使我完善我脑海中的想法,并给予我的想法应得的时间,” said Chamberlin. “It also helped me think through things and articulate my thoughts. The outcomes were impressive to me personally."

Chamberlin noted that meeting every week with his assigned coach, Aaron Proietti, a former chief innovation officer in the financial services industry, 让他发展自己的想法,用他从未考虑过的方式来思考.


11位教练自愿花时间与参与者一起工作,倾听他们的想法,并提供建议. 参与者被分配给一个特定的教练,然后在其他人之间轮换,以获得额外的见解.

“A big thank you to our coaches,” said Allan Lehman, 他是创意测试实验室的协调员之一,也是欧博体育官网约克分校格雷厄姆创新与合作中心的主任. “如果没有志愿者教练,我们就无法开展这些项目,他们带来了丰富的知识和经验来帮助我们的参与者.”

For Chamberlin, 他的日常工作是约克县经济联盟(YCEA)的首席战略官。, 创意测试实验室让他有机会发展自己的想法,并在专业上有所成长.

他还与YCEA合作,以实现两个实体的共同利益. Chamberlin’s idea has become a reality and, as a person who loves the outdoors, 户外经济是他分享想法和帮助社区创造或利用他们已经拥有的环境资产来提高他们所在地区的生活质量的工具.

Other competition winners include:

第二名(1500美元种子基金):Aira Creative LLC的Daniel DuBravec. 因应车辆在道路上撞击行人而造成的伤亡人数日益增加, Aira Creative为滞留驾驶者设计的高架灯塔提供了一种现代化的方法,通过远程视觉警告和照明来提醒迎面而来的车辆减速并小心.

Third place ($500 seed funding) — Amy Kemper, Antics at the Yard. 庭院通过为整个家庭提供一个环境来重新想象购物体验, including activities for children.

2024创意测试实验室的申请将于2023年10月开放,项目将于2024年1月至3月运行. For more information, email Allan Lehman, director of the Graham Center and the York LaunchBox, or call 717-771-8404; or email Helen McGarry, director of the Mont Alto LaunchBox, or call 717-749-4118.

The Mont Alto and York LaunchBoxes, both powered by Penn State, 为早期创业公司提供支持和资源,帮助他们建立可持续的、可扩展的业务和可行的增长计划. No-cost programs and services can include coworking space, accelerator programs, free legal and intellectual property advice, and expert mentorships from Penn State's extensive network. LaunchBox对所有人开放,包括社区成员和与欧博体育官网无关的人. Mont Alto和York LaunchBoxes是“发明欧博体育官网”倡议的标志性项目,也是欧博体育官网校园社区21个创新空间中的两个. Learn more about each LaunchBox at their websites:  Penn State Mont Alto LaunchBox and Penn State York LaunchBox websites.

这个项目的部分资金来自宾夕法尼亚州联邦的拨款, Department of Community and Economic Development.
